Information on Health Professions

Health Professions Overview

First-year course schedules will vary widely depending upon a student’s high school preparation.  Students should follow the placement recommendations of the science and math departments so that they will neither coast through courses that cover material they have already studied, nor flounder through courses for which they are under-prepared.  Some students will have the background to be comfortable in two lab sciences while others may initially feel overwhelmed in a single introductory science or math course. 

If any questions arise during registration, please do not hesitate to contact Valerie Bennett at or (207)798-4255 or Teams.  Students are also encouraged to make an appointment to speak with Valerie or Corey Colwill during their first semester. They may schedule an appointment on the Health Professions website.

While it is important for pre-health students to get an early start on academic prerequisites, most students will be best served if they enroll in only one, or at most two, science and math courses.

Students who are likely to be challenged by the transition to college will have a better chance of attaining their goals if they proceed at a slower pace in the sciences rather than to struggle through the courses before they have the appropriate foundation.  A successful start to college is more important than a fast start, even if it ultimately necessitates completing some pre-health requirements after Bowdoin.  In fact, in keeping with national trends, three-quarters of Bowdoin students entering health professions programs choose to matriculate two or more years after they graduate from Bowdoin.

Please be aware that a major in the sciences is NOT required for admission to medical school.  As long as students complete the academic prerequisites, they can major in any subject. Note that AP credits are often not accepted as prerequisites in biology and chemistry, nor do all schools accept AP credit in physics.

For more information and to find a list of the academic prerequisites for most medical and dental schools and other allied health fields, pleasit visit the Health Professions website.